瑞典旋律死亡黑金屬維京戰神猛團要去北京了! 而且瑞典旋律死亡金屬天團 Arch Enemy [1] 以及芬蘭旋律金屬國寶 Children Of Bodom [2] 都受邀來台北發功了 ?
主辦:吉他中國 [3]、搖滾帝國 [4]
AMON AMARTH 音樂風格是凶狠異常的旋律黑死維京金屬,從詞曲當中不經意的透露出古代北歐人生長於嚴寒之中以及深受北歐神話所影響而產生的英勇豪邁但又悲觀而且大無畏的性格,Amon Amarth 善於描寫維京戰士英勇赴戰時的情景,聽前幾年的專輯可能感覺還沒到驚艷的地步,但是在瑞典鼓王 Fredrik Andersson 加入後火力更上一層樓了~ 簡直是大大加分啊! :O 聽聽旋律跟低吼的結合,雙吉他,沒有鍵盤,加上 Fredrik Andersson 的火力保證嚇死一票老人家 ?
Amon Amarth – The Avenger
# Original Release Date: May 26, 2009
# Number of Discs: 2
# Format: Original recording reissued, Special Edition, Extra tracks
# Label: Metal Blade
Tracklist :
Discs 1
1. Bleed for Ancient Gods
2. The Last With Pagan Blood
3. North Sea Storm
4. Avenger
5. God, His Son and Holy Whore
6. Metalwrath
7. Legend of a Banished Man
Bonus Tracks
8. Thor Arise
Disc 2
Features the Live Recording of the Show Amon Amarth Played on December 29, 2008 in Bochum Germany where teh Band Performed the Album in its Entirety Live Tracks
1. Bleed for Ancient Gods
2. The Last With Pagan Blood
3. North Sea Storm
4. Avenger
5. God, His Son and Holy Whore
6. Metalwrath
7. Legend of a Banished Man
Amon Amarth 官網 [5]
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Amon Amarth – The Avenger
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