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Andreas Steiniger für die Drohne!
“Lets spread this colourful mix of muss all over the world!”
In a world where globalism wipes away any and all boundaries, RUSSKAJA supply a suitable soundtrack with their new record “Kosmpoliturbo”. Upbeat powerful songs swing between countries, languages and cultures – High speed, groovy Polka Ska meshes with distorted guitars virtuosically. Sparkling violins let the big bass baritone vocals of lead singer Georgij Alexandowitsch Makazaria shine as bright as the stars. Since 2005 RUSSKAJA have been exploring their cosmopolitan Austro-Soviet roots. Beyond all genre confines, RUSSKAJA deliver their so called “Turbopolka”, mingling open-minded passion with various styles from all around the globe, and spread it all over the world!
來源摸我 [1]
RUSSKAJA – Alive (Official Video) | Napalm Records
Posted By 窮苦人家的小孩 On In 聽音樂吧 | No Comments