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SMF 1.0.4 released!


SMF 1.0.4 released!
備份的時候發現smf_log_errors 這個table 超多紀錄,看起來又不知道是哪邊錯,就一次給他清空了 ?
更新完之後是沒啥感覺,還是一樣快 ?
更新記錄: [1]
Simple Machines is happy to release the latest update to SMF. This is only a small release, which addresses an issue with the parsing of some BBC, and fixes a few minor bugs found since 1.0.3. While this is only a small release we strongly suggest that you upgrade to this version, because it will improve the security of your forum.
What’s Changed:

  • fixed an issue with parsing embedded BBC tags
  • added “Update Available” information to the admin center, to notify admins of future updates
  • fixed a couple of minor bugs
  • SMF 1.0.4 下載 (已加入中文語系檔案及4個佈景主題) [2]