最近搶了一台VPS,主機商是來自新加坡的HostEONS 🤗 實際上測試結果倒也不會太讓人失望,機器的iO算給力這點很不錯,但是網路就很詭異了,剛開通的時候居然外網全斷,只有SolusVM控制台那邊的VNC能連上,發Ticket去問才知道碰到莫名的DDOS攻擊,客服大約一小時內搶救完畢才通知我可以登入SSH了,這號稱100Gbps的DDOS防護有點中看不中用啊~ 😓👀🤣 不過客服態度不錯啦,回應也快,最起碼一小時內就解決問題了,一年一千元左右的VPS,其機器的性能跟網路頻寬就不能太要求高端大氣上檔次了,總不可能來個Ryzen、EPYC吧,還能嫌棄更多嗎? 😏🤐😶
個人感覺CP值還算尚可啦 🎁✨🥇 另外很激賞的是他們提供免費的Windows Server 2019,有相關需求的很划算啊~ 🙀😻😺 HostEONS的技術能力還是不錯的,控制台是常見的SolusVM,IPv6都不用自己特別弄就已經在開機的當下通了,雖說網路差了些,要拿來當倉庫是不太方便,不過拿來架設一些應用還是很適合的 🤗
- IPv4/v6 rDNS(PTR)兩種都支援 👍👍👍👍
- 原生Native IPv6 👍👍👍
- 提供免費的Windows Server 2019 👍👍👍
- 100Gbps DDOS保護 👍👍
- 免費Blesta虛擬主機系統授權 👍
- 國際網路速度不佳 👎👎👎👎👎
- 與中華電信沒直通 👎👎👎
- SSD空間不夠多 👎👎👎
- 國外討論區的評論不多,看不出SLA高低 👎👎
- serverreview
- Speedtest Monster
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Benchmark started on 09-Nov-2020 03:45:08 ## System Information OS Name : CentOS Linux release 8.2.2004 (Core) (64 bit) Kernel : KVM / 4.18.0-193.28.1.el8_2.x86_64 CPU Model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz CPU Cores : 2 cores @ 2499.998 MHz CPU Cache : 16384 KB Total RAM : 2834 MiB (Free 1699 MiB) Total SWAP : 1023 MiB (Free 1011MiB) Total Space : 30GB (15% used) TCP CC : bbr Running for : 2hrs 48min 14sec ### CDN測速 CacheFly : 71.48 MiB/s | 571.84 Mbps | ping 2.339ms Gdrive : 47.46 MiB/s | 379.69 Mbps | ping 1.341ms ### 北美洲地區測速 Vultr, US, CA, LAX : 80.00 MiB/s | 640.00 Mbps | ping 3.835ms Vultr, US, WA, Seattle : 54.17 MiB/s | 433.37 Mbps | ping 27.183ms Vultr, US, TX, Dallas : 49.00 MiB/s | 391.96 Mbps | ping 32.844ms Vultr, US, IL, Chicago : 17.02 MiB/s | 136.20 Mbps | ping 59.503ms Vultr, US, NJ, New Jersey : 13.86 MiB/s | 110.84 Mbps | ping 71.059ms Vultr, US, GA, Atlanta : 30.53 MiB/s | 244.20 Mbps | ping 53.251ms Vultr, US, FL, Miami : 25.38 MiB/s | 203.05 Mbps | ping 60.196ms Linode, US, CA, Fremont : 67.11 MiB/s | 536.91 Mbps | ping 26.154ms Linode, US, TX, Dallas : 9.36 MiB/s | 74.84 Mbps | ping 38.198ms Linode, US, NJ, Newark : 9.02 MiB/s | 72.14 Mbps | ping 71.481ms Softlayer, US, CA, San Jose: 51.19 MiB/s | 409.48 Mbps | ping 11.786ms Softlayer, US, WA, Seattle : 34.55 MiB/s | 276.38 Mbps | ping 27.404ms Softlayer, US, TX, Houston : 20.80 MiB/s | 166.41 Mbps | ping 65.346ms Softlayer, CA, QC, Montreal: 5.34 MiB/s | 42.76 Mbps | ping 79.529ms OVH, CA, QC, Beauharnois : 0 B/s | N/A | ping 77.965ms Vultr, CA, ON, Toronto : 25.95 MiB/s | 207.58 Mbps | ping 65.042ms ### 歐洲地區測速 Vultr, UK, London : 10.83 MiB/s | 86.63 Mbps | ping 137.312ms Vultr, DE, Frankfurt : 9.13 MiB/s | 73.00 Mbps | ping 139.695ms Vultr, NL, Amsterdam : 9.81 MiB/s | 78.50 Mbps | ping 139.319ms Linode, UK, London : 5.51 MiB/s | 44.04 Mbps | ping 143.440ms Linode, DE, Frankfurt : 3.76 MiB/s | 30.06 Mbps | ping 153.311ms Psychz, UK, London : 948.00 KiB/s | 7.41 Mbps | ping 135.152ms Psychz, NL, Amsterdam : 9.88 MiB/s | 79.08 Mbps | ping 137.276ms OVH, FR, Roubaix : 3.41 MiB/s | 27.24 Mbps | ping 165.532ms Online.net, FR : 5.39 KiB/s | 0.04 Mbps | ping 140.535ms Hetzner, DE : 0 B/s | N/A | ping 168.333ms Rackspace, UK, London : 8.93 MiB/s | 71.41 Mbps | ping 138.369ms ### 大洋洲地區測速 Vultr, AU, Sydney : 6.83 MiB/s | 54.67 Mbps | ping 166.480ms Softlayer, AU, Sydney : 663.85 KiB/s | 5.19 Mbps | ping 149.511ms Leaseweb, AU, Sydney : 5.02 MiB/s | 40.14 Mbps | ping 143.560ms OVH, AU, Sydney : 2.42 MiB/s | 19.32 Mbps | ping 207.306ms Psychz, AU, Sydney : 8.85 MiB/s | 70.80 Mbps | ping 157.461ms Rackspace, AU, Sydney : 758.93 KiB/s | 5.93 Mbps | ping 154.429ms ### 亞洲地區測速 中華電信, TW, 臺北市 : 4.10 MiB/s | 32.81 Mbps | ping 162.655ms 國網中心, TW, 新竹市 : 6.25 MiB/s | 49.97 Mbps | ping 137.490ms Psychz, TW, 臺北市 : 4.94 MiB/s | 39.51 Mbps | ping 140.180ms Psychz, JP, Tokyo : 6.78 MiB/s | 54.20 Mbps | ping 108.330ms Psychz, KR, Seoul : 7.72 MiB/s | 61.78 Mbps | ping 150.720ms Psychz, IN, Mumbai : 2.77 MiB/s | 22.13 Mbps | ping 242.509ms Vultr, JP, Tokyo : 11.83 MiB/s | 94.62 Mbps | ping 116.640ms Vultr, KR, Seoul : 9.51 MiB/s | 76.06 Mbps | ping 142.870ms Vultr, Singapore : 6.67 MiB/s | 53.36 Mbps | ping 173.635ms DataCamp, JP, Tokyo : 12.91 MiB/s | 103.31 Mbps | ping 114.474ms DataCamp, Hong Kong : 6.25 MiB/s | 50.01 Mbps | ping 152.402ms DataCamp, Singapore : 7.15 MiB/s | 57.17 Mbps | ping 169.218ms Softlayer, JP, Tokyo : 2.42 MiB/s | 19.37 Mbps | ping 112.640ms Softlayer, Hong Kong : 904.72 KiB/s | 7.07 Mbps | ping 152.452ms Softlayer, Singapore : 208.53 KiB/s | 1.63 Mbps | ping 189.275ms Linode, JP, Tokyo : 6.63 MiB/s | 53.08 Mbps | ping 104.918ms Linode, Singapore : 4.63 MiB/s | 37.06 Mbps | ping 181.152ms Linode, IN, Mumbai : 1.97 MiB/s | 15.78 Mbps | ping 277.138ms Leaseweb, Hong Kong : 2.09 MiB/s | 16.75 Mbps | ping 149.019ms Leaseweb, Singapore : 4.02 MiB/s | 32.16 Mbps | ping 160.846ms HostUS, Hong Kong : 3.48 MiB/s | 27.84 Mbps | ping 886.805ms HostUS, Singapore : 5.81 MiB/s | 46.50 Mbps | ping 187.847ms Nexus Bytes, JP, Tokyo : 12.58 MiB/s | 100.63 Mbps | ping 108.172ms Nexus Bytes, Singapore : 3.92 MiB/s | 31.34 Mbps | ping 174.948ms HostHatch, Hong Kong : 0 B/s | N/A | ping 147.715ms Rackspace, Hong Kong : 7.83 MiB/s | 62.67 Mbps | ping 147.223ms OVH, Singapore : 2.73 MiB/s | 21.83 Mbps | ping 256.702ms ### IO測試 ## CPU 速度: bzip2 512MB - 85.8 MB/s sha256 512MB - 225 MB/s md5sum 512MB - 454 MB/s ## 磁碟速度 (512MB): I/O Speed - 465 MB/s I/O Direct - 226 MB/s ## 記憶體速度 (1024MB): Avg. write - 2082.1 MB/s Avg. read - 5120.0 MB/s Benchmark finished in 285 seconds results saved on /root/bench.log Share result: https://clbin.com/VBr05 |
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Region: Global https://bench.monster v.1.5.4 2020-09-30 Usage : curl -LsO bench.monster/speedtest.sh; bash speedtest.sh -Global --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OS : CentOS 8.2.2004 (64 Bit) Virt/Kernel : KVM / 4.18.0-80.7.1.el8_0.x86_64 CPU Model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz CPU Cores : 2 @ 2499.998 MHz x86_64 16384 KB Cache CPU Flags : AES-NI Enabled & VM-x/AMD-V Disabled Load Average : 0.66, 0.50, 0.40 Total Space : 29G (2.9G ~11% used) Total RAM : 2837 MB (111 MB + 647 MB Buff in use) Total SWAP : 1023 MB (11 MB in use) Uptime : 0 days 9:18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASN & ISP : AS35913, DediPath Organization : DediPath LLC Location : Los Angeles, United States / US Region : California --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Geekbench v4 CPU Benchmark: Single Core : 2470 (GOOD) Multi Core : 4517 ## IO Test CPU Speed: bzip2 : 91.5 MB/s sha256 : 234 MB/s md5sum : 458 MB/s RAM Speed: Avg. write : 1618.4 MB/s Avg. read : 5085.9 MB/s Disk Speed: 1st run : 518 MB/s 2nd run : 476 MB/s 3rd run : 440 MB/s ----------------------- Average : 478.0 MB/s ## Global Speedtest Location Upload Download Ping --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nearby 643.87 Mbit/s 680.89 Mbit/s 12.467 ms --------------------------------------------------------------------------- USA, New York (Optimum) 220.69 Mbit/s 163.31 Mbit/s 72.459 ms USA, Chicago (Windstream) 275.78 Mbit/s 237.16 Mbit/s 55.243 ms USA, Dallas (Frontier) 395.24 Mbit/s 321.95 Mbit/s 42.892 ms USA, Miami (Frontier) 243.13 Mbit/s 229.62 Mbit/s 61.228 ms USA, Los Angeles (Spectrum) 647.34 Mbit/s 627.71 Mbit/s 4.021 ms UK, London (toob Ltd) 17.97 Mbit/s 98.68 Mbit/s 137.008 ms France, Lyon (SFR) 69.59 Mbit/s 110.96 Mbit/s 165.902 ms Germany, Berlin (DNS:NET) 112.04 Mbit/s 78.66 Mbit/s 149.772 ms Spain, Madrid (MasMovil) 103.99 Mbit/s 125.28 Mbit/s 161.360 ms Italy, Rome (Unidata) 30.46 Mbit/s 70.29 Mbit/s 236.675 ms Russia, Moscow (Rostelecom) 26.81 Mbit/s 50.58 Mbit/s 190.618 ms Israel, Haifa (013Netvision) 20.62 Mbit/s 46.97 Mbit/s 208.842 ms India, New Delhi (Spectra) 6.50 Mbit/s 19.29 Mbit/s 361.678 ms Singapore (FirstMedia) 39.73 Mbit/s 30.73 Mbit/s 243.972 ms Japan, Tsukuba (SoftEther) 151.01 Mbit/s 105.24 Mbit/s 112.168 ms Australia, Sydney (Optus) 93.46 Mbit/s 92.39 Mbit/s 148.022 ms RSA, Randburg (Cool Ideas) 13.61 Mbit/s 63.21 Mbit/s 306.148 ms Brazil, Sao Paulo (Criare) 92.66 Mbit/s 108.39 Mbit/s 177.408 ms --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finished in : 14 min 23 sec Timestamp : 2020-11-08 19:34:10 GMT Saved in : /root/speedtest.log Share results: - https://www.speedtest.net/result/10385682933.png - https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/cpu/15864686 - https://clbin.com/jJ7BG |
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# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # # Yet-Another-Bench-Script # # v2020-09-21 # # https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script # # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # Sun Nov 8 23:16:14 CST 2020 Basic System Information: --------------------------------- Processor : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz CPU cores : 2 @ 2499.998 MHz AES-NI : ✔ Enabled VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled RAM : 2.8Gi Swap : 1.0Gi Disk : 29G fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50): --------------------------------- Block Size | 4k (IOPS) | 64k (IOPS) ------ | --- ---- | ---- ---- Read | 80.25 MB/s (20.0k) | 283.84 MB/s (4.4k) Write | 80.46 MB/s (20.1k) | 285.33 MB/s (4.4k) Total | 160.71 MB/s (40.1k) | 569.18 MB/s (8.8k) | | Block Size | 512k (IOPS) | 1m (IOPS) ------ | --- ---- | ---- ---- Read | 345.60 MB/s (675) | 441.78 MB/s (431) Write | 363.96 MB/s (710) | 471.20 MB/s (460) Total | 709.57 MB/s (1.3k) | 912.99 MB/s (891) iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4): --------------------------------- Provider | Location (Link) | Send Speed | Recv Speed | | | Clouvider | London, UK (10G) | 342 Mbits/sec | 263 Mbits/sec Online.net | Paris, FR (10G) | 151 Mbits/sec | 134 Mbits/sec WorldStream | The Netherlands (10G) | 355 Mbits/sec | 158 Mbits/sec Wifx | Zurich, CH (10G) | busy | busy Biznet | Jakarta, Indonesia (1G) | 352 Mbits/sec | 54.3 Mbits/sec Clouvider | NYC, NY, US (10G) | 630 Mbits/sec | 345 Mbits/sec Velocity Online | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 519 Mbits/sec | 234 Mbits/sec Clouvider | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 659 Mbits/sec | 665 Mbits/sec Iveloz Telecom | Sao Paulo, BR (2G) | busy | busy iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6): --------------------------------- Provider | Location (Link) | Send Speed | Recv Speed | | | Clouvider | London, UK (10G) | busy | busy Online.net | Paris, FR (10G) | 597 Mbits/sec | 231 Mbits/sec WorldStream | The Netherlands (10G) | busy | busy Wifx | Zurich, CH (10G) | busy | busy Clouvider | NYC, NY, US (10G) | 768 Mbits/sec | 243 Mbits/sec Clouvider | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 815 Mbits/sec | 702 Mbits/sec Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test: --------------------------------- Test | Value | Single Core | 520 Multi Core | 979 Full Test | https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/4603461 |
- 中華民國地區測速
- 美國西岸地區測速
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Benchmark started on 09-Nov-2020 04:00:16 ### 中華民國地區測速 中華電信, 臺北市 : 5.02 MiB/s | 40.12 Mbps | ping 161.262ms 國網中心, 新竹市 : 8.80 MiB/s | 70.36 Mbps | ping 137.252ms Psychz, 臺北市 : 5.84 MiB/s | 46.70 Mbps | ping 138.604ms HostingInside, 臺北市 : 5.55 MiB/s | 44.36 Mbps | ping 140.004ms Serverfield, 臺北市 : 10.55 MiB/s | 84.42 Mbps | ping 130.157ms 威達雲端電訊, 臺中市 : 229.71 KiB/s | 1.79 Mbps | ping 155.281ms 台灣之星, 臺北市 : 1.58 MiB/s | 12.64 Mbps | ping 159.968ms 台灣大寬頻, 臺北市 : 668 B/s | N/A | ping 153.679ms Benchmark finished in 34 seconds results saved on /root/bench.log Share result: https://clbin.com/Obwbg |
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Benchmark started on 09-Nov-2020 03:58:04 ### 美國西岸地區測速 Vultr, CA, LAX : 80.71 MiB/s | 645.68 Mbps | ping 1.331ms Vultr, CA, Silicon Valley : 67.75 MiB/s | 542.01 Mbps | ping 10.569ms Vultr, WA, Seattle : 56.53 MiB/s | 452.23 Mbps | ping 27.358ms DigitalOcean, CA, SFO 01 : 70.62 MiB/s | 564.97 Mbps | ping 14.362ms DigitalOcean, CA, SFO 02 : 57.14 MiB/s | 457.14 Mbps | ping 10.793ms DigitalOcean, CA, SFO 03 : 61.96 MiB/s | 495.66 Mbps | ping 11.271ms Softlayer, CA, San Jose 01 : 58.32 MiB/s | 466.55 Mbps | ping 12.971ms Softlayer, CA, San Jose 03 : 36.76 MiB/s | 294.06 Mbps | ping 15.910ms Softlayer, WA, Seattle : 37.60 MiB/s | 300.80 Mbps | ping 27.209ms ColoCrossing, CA, LAX : 70.33 MiB/s | 562.64 Mbps | ping 2.095ms ColoCrossing, CA, San Jose : 63.20 MiB/s | 505.59 Mbps | ping 10.408ms ColoCrossing, WA, Seattle : 21.57 MiB/s | 172.59 Mbps | ping 42.986ms HostUS, CA, LAX 01 : 66.18 MiB/s | 529.45 Mbps | ping 1.196ms HostUS, CA, LAX 03 : 75.15 MiB/s | 601.21 Mbps | ping 2.437ms RamNode, CA, LAX : 73.42 MiB/s | 587.33 Mbps | ping error! RamNode, WA, Seattle : 0 B/s | N/A | ping 26.527ms DataCamp, CA, LAX : 82.86 MiB/s | 662.85 Mbps | ping 3.079ms Leaseweb, CA, SFO : 149.12 KiB/s | 1.17 Mbps | ping 14.408ms Linode, CA, Fremont : 62.62 MiB/s | 500.94 Mbps | ping 9.950ms HostHatch, CA, LAX : 81.17 MiB/s | 649.35 Mbps | ping 1.521ms Psychz, CA, LAX : 42.89 MiB/s | 343.09 Mbps | ping 1.454ms IntoVPS, CA, Fremont : 34.33 MiB/s | 274.64 Mbps | ping 10.909ms UltraVPS.eu, CA, LAX : 32.86 MiB/s | 262.90 Mbps | ping 2.135ms Nexus Bytes, CA, LAX : 73.19 MiB/s | 585.53 Mbps | ping 2.155ms Tier.Net, OR, Bend : 9.16 MiB/s | 73.25 Mbps | ping 46.013ms Benchmark finished in 67 seconds results saved on /root/bench.log Share result: https://clbin.com/br7IJ |
- 1 GB KVM Gigabit VPS
- 3 GB KVM Gigabit VPS
- CPU:1 vCore @ Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2
- 記憶體:1GB
- 硬碟空間:10GB SSD
- OS:Linux
- 網路流量:1TB @ 1Gbps
- IPv4:1
- IPv6:64
- 控制台:SolusVM
- CA, 洛杉磯 Looking Glass
- AS35913, Dedipath
- PeeringDB
- BGPview
- 購買連結 – 1 GB KVM Gigabit VPS
- 年租費:$11 USD (約$314 台幣)
- CPU:2 vCore @ Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2
- 記憶體:3GB
- 硬碟空間:30GB SSD
- OS:Linux
- 網路流量:3TB @ 1Gbps
- IPv4:1
- IPv6:64
- 控制台:SolusVM
- CA, 洛杉磯 Looking Glass
- AS35913, Dedipath
- PeeringDB
- BGPview
- 購買連結 – 3 GB KVM Gigabit VPS
- 年租費:$30 USD (約$857 台幣)
- Gigabit KVM VPS 5
- 4 GB KVM Gigabit VPS
此款可選免費的Windows Server 2019
- CPU:3 vCore @ Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2
- 記憶體:3GB
- 硬碟空間:40GB SSD
- OS:Linux/Windows
- 網路流量:4TB @ 1Gbps
- IPv4:2
- IPv6:64
- 控制台:SolusVM
- CA, 洛杉磯 Looking Glass
- AS35913, Dedipath
- PeeringDB
- BGPview
- 購買連結 – Gigabit KVM VPS 5
- 年租費:$44.10 USD (約$1,260 台幣)
- 優惠碼:111130(永久性優惠30%,限年付及以上)
- CPU:3 vCore @ Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2
- 記憶體:4GB
- 硬碟空間:40GB SSD
- OS:Linux
- 網路流量:4TB @ 1Gbps
- IPv4:1
- IPv6:64
- 控制台:SolusVM
- CA, 洛杉磯 Looking Glass
- AS35913, Dedipath
- PeeringDB
- BGPview
- 購買連結 – 4 GB KVM Gigabit VPS
- 年租費:$55 USD (約$1,571 台幣)
- CA, 洛杉磯 Looking Glass | AS35913, Dedipath
- NV, 拉斯維加斯 Looking Glass | AS35913, Dedipath
- NY, 紐約 Looking Glass | AS35913, Dedipath
- FL, 傑克森維爾 (JAX) Looking Glass | AS35913, Dedipath