噹噹噹,2019黑色星期五搶了幾台VPS? ??? 看來看去只搶了OVH跟CloudCone的,OVH這次的誠意滿滿,不過由於機器的性能只能算中下,放小網站或是單純檔案備份還算適合,要求速度高大上的就別考慮啦 ?
另外要注意的是OVH的控制台非常簡單,也是要注意一下的 ?

- 需要準備護照(馬賽克後四碼)做為驗證
- 需要準備信用卡(馬賽克後四碼)做為驗證
- 限制使用信用卡付費
- 終生優惠價格:是滴
- 截止日期:December 3rd, 2019 at 11:59PM EST (台灣時間為12/04中午12:59)
- serverreview
- Speedtest Monster
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$ ./bench.sh -a share clbin Benchmark started on 28-Nov-2019 16:58:04 ## System Information OS Name : CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core) N (64 bit) Kernel : KVM / 3.10.0-957.27.2.el7.x86_64 CPU Model : Intel Xeon E3-12xx v2 (Ivy Bridge, IBRS) CPU Cores : 1 core @ 2599.998 MHz CPU Cache : 4096 KB Total RAM : 1790 MiB (Free 1525 MiB) Total SWAP : SWAP not enabled Total Space : 21GB (7% used) Running for : 11 minutes 12 seconds ## CDN Speedtest CacheFly : 11.44 MiB/s | 91.52 Mbps | ping 1.203ms Gdrive : 8.87 MiB/s | 71.00 Mbps | ping 24.348ms ## North America Speedtest Softlayer, Washington, USA : 9.13 MiB/s | 73.07 Mbps | ping 17.435ms SoftLayer, San Jose, USA : 7.02 MiB/s | 56.19 Mbps | ping 68.452ms SoftLayer, Dallas, USA : 9.51 MiB/s | 76.11 Mbps | ping 37.438ms Vultr, New Jersey, USA : 11.42 MiB/s | 91.39 Mbps | ping 7.848ms Vultr, Seattle, USA : 9.76 MiB/s | 78.09 Mbps | ping 80.055ms Vultr, Dallas, USA : 10.82 MiB/s | 86.59 Mbps | ping 36.962ms Vultr, Los Angeles, USA : 9.25 MiB/s | 74.02 Mbps | ping 55.623ms Ramnode, New York, USA : 11.44 MiB/s | 91.51 Mbps | ping 7.432ms Ramnode, Atlanta, USA : 10.89 MiB/s | 87.11 Mbps | ping 18.270ms OVH, Beauharnois, Canada : 10.15 MiB/s | 81.18 Mbps | ping 14.311ms ## Europe Speedtest Vultr, London, UK : 9.81 MiB/s | 78.44 Mbps | ping 77.544ms LeaseWeb, Frankfurt, Germany : 7.00 MiB/s | 56.02 Mbps | ping 131.401ms Hetzner, Germany : 7.30 MiB/s | 58.39 Mbps | ping 90.865ms Ramnode, Alblasserdam, NL : 6.38 MiB/s | 51.01 Mbps | ping 90.632ms Vultr, Amsterdam, NL : 9.47 MiB/s | 75.79 Mbps | ping 90.529ms EDIS, Stockholm, Sweden : 253 B/s | N/A | ping 109.969ms OVH, Roubaix, France : 8.99 MiB/s | 71.92 Mbps | ping 85.252ms Online, France : 9.22 MiB/s | 73.75 Mbps | ping 82.200ms Prometeus, Milan, Italy : 0 B/s | N/A | ping 90.922ms ## Exotic Speedtest Sydney, Australia : 3.35 MiB/s | 26.79 Mbps | ping 225.564ms Lagoon, New Caledonia : 609.53 KiB/s | 4.76 Mbps | ping 273.354ms Hosteasy, Moldova : 7.76 MiB/s | 62.11 Mbps | ping 124.133ms Prima, Argentina : 277.43 KiB/s | 2.17 Mbps | ping error! ## Asia Speedtest SoftLayer, Singapore : 124.38 KiB/s | 0.97 Mbps | ping 260.800ms Linode, Tokyo, Japan : 5.41 MiB/s | 43.31 Mbps | ping 173.323ms Linode, Singapore : 3.05 MiB/s | 24.38 Mbps | ping 248.042ms Vultr, Tokyo, Japan : 5.07 MiB/s | 40.55 Mbps | ping 170.791ms ## IO Test CPU Speed: bzip2 512MB - 87.8 MB/s sha256 512MB - 221 MB/s md5sum 512MB - 392 MB/s Disk Speed (512MB): I/O Speed - 141 MB/s I/O Direct - 36.7 MB/s RAM Speed (895MB): Avg. write - 2218.7 MB/s Avg. read - 4915.2 MB/s Benchmark finished in 178 seconds results saved on /root/bench.log Share result: https://clbin.com/obeWg |
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Speedtest Monster v.1.4.6 2019-11-09 Region: Global https://bench.monster/speedtest.html Usage : curl -LsO bench.monster/speedtest.sh; bash speedtest.sh -Global --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OS : CentOS 7.7.1908 (64 Bit) Virt/Kernel : KVM / 5.4.0-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64 CPU Model : Intel Xeon E3-12xx v2 (Ivy Bridge, IBRS) CPU Cores : 1 @ 2599.998 MHz x86_64 4096 KB Cache CPU Flags : AES-NI Enabled & VM-x/AMD-V Enabled Load Average : 0.63, 0.30, 0.12 Total Space : 20G (3.9G ~21% used) Total RAM : 86 MB / 1942 MB (479 MB Buff) Total SWAP : 0 MB / 1023 MB Uptime : 0 days 0:7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASN & ISP : AS16276, OVH US LLC 組織 : OVH 伺服器所在地 : Newark, United States / US 地區 : New Jersey --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### IO 測試 ## CPU 速度: bzip2 : 87.8 MB/s sha256 : 230 MB/s md5sum : 397 MB/s ## 記憶體速度: Avg. write : 2184.5 MB/s Avg. read : 5120.0 MB/s ## 磁碟速度: 1st run : 161 MB/s 2dn run : 174 MB/s 3rd run : 169 MB/s ----------------------- Average : 168.0 MB/s ### 執行 {ioping} 磁碟性能測試,請稍待幾分鐘... ## {ioping}磁碟寫入速度: 1st run : 42.9 MB/s 2dn run : 42.5 MB/s 3rd run : 41.9 MB/s ----------------------- Average : 42.4333 MB/s ## {ioping}磁碟讀取速度: 1st run : 122.496 MB/s 2dn run : 132.637 MB/s 3rd run : 137.922 MB/s ----------------------- Average : 131.018 MB/s ### {全球}網路速度測試 Location Upload Download Ping --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speedtest.net 101.10 Mbit/s 97.71 Mbit/s 2.517 ms US, CA, 洛杉磯 (Spectrum) 80.98 Mbit/s 87.88 Mbit/s 73.699 ms US, TX, 達拉斯 (Hivelocity) 87.06 Mbit/s 92.28 Mbit/s 59.053 ms US, IL, 芝加哥 (Verizon) 97.28 Mbit/s 96.78 Mbit/s 23.544 ms US, NY, 紐約 (Hivelocity) 88.50 Mbit/s 90.27 Mbit/s 56.078 ms US, FL, 坦帕 (Spectrum) 97.85 Mbit/s 91.06 Mbit/s 45.539 ms CA, 多倫多 (Telus) 95.40 Mbit/s 96.05 Mbit/s 27.988 ms CA, 溫哥華 (Telus) 76.54 Mbit/s 90.94 Mbit/s 70.233 ms CL, 聖地亞哥 (Entel) 64.64 Mbit/s 70.59 Mbit/s 149.954 ms PE, 利馬 (Fiberluxperu) 60.97 Mbit/s 68.90 Mbit/s 102.343 ms TW, 臺北市 (是方電訊) 48.40 Mbit/s 13.88 Mbit/s 198.582 ms TW, 臺北市 (BGP Network) 29.73 Mbit/s 27.68 Mbit/s 309.422 ms HK, 上環 (GTT.net) 32.93 Mbit/s 29.02 Mbit/s 287.347 ms CN, 北京市 (中國電信 5G) 2.28 Mbit/s 13.87 Mbit/s ping error! JP, 東京 (GLBB) 56.92 Mbit/s 32.03 Mbit/s 180.067 ms SG, 新加坡市 (OVH Cloud) 32.79 Mbit/s 32.14 Mbit/s 296.901 ms AU, 雪梨 (OVH Cloud) 50.65 Mbit/s 33.06 Mbit/s 192.696 ms UK, 倫敦 (GTT.net) 72.97 Mbit/s 84.02 Mbit/s 74.732 ms NL, 阿姆斯特丹 (fdcservers) 70.77 Mbit/s 82.41 Mbit/s 89.127 ms FR, 巴黎 (GTT.net) 67.67 Mbit/s 88.02 Mbit/s 80.893 ms DE, 法蘭克福 (GTT.net) 72.79 Mbit/s 83.17 Mbit/s 93.576 ms CH, 蘇黎世 (GTT.net) 77.70 Mbit/s 80.36 Mbit/s 96.344 ms SE, 斯德哥爾摩 (GTT.net) 63.77 Mbit/s 72.95 Mbit/s 110.662 ms ES, 馬德里 (GTT.net) 67.12 Mbit/s 70.14 Mbit/s 100.316 ms IT, 米蘭 (GTT.net) 60.04 Mbit/s 84.21 Mbit/s 95.882 ms AT, 維也納 (fdcservers) 58.71 Mbit/s 48.84 Mbit/s 116.817 ms RU, 莫斯科 (MegaFon) 62.05 Mbit/s 75.26 Mbit/s 130.659 ms --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### 執行 {Geekbench v4} CPU 性能測試,請稍待幾分鐘... ### Geekbench v4 CPU 性能測試結果: Single Core : 2572 (B+ | 良好) Multi Core : 2461 Timestamp : 2019-11-28 16:57:05 UTC ### 分享測試結果: - http://www.speedtest.net/result/8804910620.png - https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/cpu/14977551 - https://clbin.com/h02sI |
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# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # # Yet-Another-Bench-Script # # v2019-10-08 # # https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script # # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # Fri Nov 29 00:58:57 CST 2019 Basic System Information: --------------------------------- Processor : Intel Xeon E3-12xx v2 (Ivy Bridge, IBRS) CPU cores : 1 @ 2599.998 MHz AES-NI : ✔ Enabled VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled RAM : 1.9G Swap : 1.0G Disk : 20G Disk Speed Tests: --------------------------------- | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Avg | | | | Write | 58.50 MB/s | 45.70 MB/s | 48.00 MB/s | 50.73 MB/s Read | 122.73 MB/s | 130.62 MB/s | 130.40 MB/s | 127.92 MB/s iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4): --------------------------------- Provider | Location (Link) | Send Speed | Recv Speed | | | Bouygues Telecom | Paris, FR (10G) | 93.7 Mbits/sec | 96.3 Mbits/sec Online.net | Paris, FR (10G) | 93.8 Mbits/sec | 97.1 Mbits/sec Severius | The Netherlands (10G) | 92.6 Mbits/sec | 93.4 Mbits/sec Worldstream | The Netherlands (10G) | 93.4 Mbits/sec | 95.6 Mbits/sec wilhelm.tel | Hamburg, DE (10G) | 92.4 Mbits/sec | 96.6 Mbits/sec Biznet | Bogor, Indonesia (1G) | 0.00 bits/sec | 0.00 bits/sec Hostkey | Moscow, RU (1G) | 88.8 Mbits/sec | 90.4 Mbits/sec Velocity Online | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 97.6 Mbits/sec | 98.4 Mbits/sec Airstream Communications | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G) | 97.7 Mbits/sec | 97.9 Mbits/sec Hurricane Electric | Fremont, CA, US (10G) | 94.8 Mbits/sec | busy Geekbench 4 Benchmark Test: --------------------------------- Test | Value | Single Core | 2556 Multi Core | 2480 Full Test | https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/cpu/14977599 |

- 中華民國
- 美國
- 中國大陸
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Speedtest Monster v.1.4.6 2019-11-09 Region: Taiwan https://bench.monster/speedtest.html Usage : curl -LsO bench.monster/speedtest.sh; bash speedtest.sh -Taiwan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### {中華民國}網路速度測試 Location Upload Download Ping --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 臺北市 (中華電信) 48.12 Mbit/s 19.91 Mbit/s 246.832 ms 臺北市 (是方電訊) 45.52 Mbit/s 15.97 Mbit/s 198.523 ms 臺北市 (BGP Network) 23.49 Mbit/s 29.57 Mbit/s 810.590 ms 臺北市 (臺灣智慧光網) 47.80 Mbit/s 38.00 Mbit/s 241.437 ms 臺北市 (中嘉寬頻) 50.19 Mbit/s 50.51 Mbit/s 206.504 ms 臺北市 (臺灣大寬頻) 45.34 Mbit/s 35.38 Mbit/s 195.877 ms 臺北市 (臺灣固網) 49.68 Mbit/s 38.11 Mbit/s 208.767 ms 臺北市 (凱擘大寬頻) 44.30 Mbit/s 20.65 Mbit/s 254.705 ms 臺北市 (和宇寬頻) 43.91 Mbit/s 25.60 Mbit/s ping error! 臺北市 (北都數位) 47.77 Mbit/s 32.79 Mbit/s 196.726 ms 桃園市 (中嘉寬頻) 47.97 Mbit/s 60.73 Mbit/s 247.233 ms 臺中市 (中華電信) 43.66 Mbit/s 22.36 Mbit/s 273.088 ms 臺中市 (是方電訊) 47.25 Mbit/s 23.21 Mbit/s 251.052 ms 臺中市 (台灣寬頻 TBC) 39.27 Mbit/s 27.52 Mbit/s 281.523 ms 臺中市 (逢甲大學) 18.60 Mbit/s 43.17 Mbit/s 214.490 ms 高雄市 (中華電信) 40.48 Mbit/s 16.41 Mbit/s 203.202 ms 高雄市 (是方電訊) 44.03 Mbit/s 15.64 Mbit/s 231.155 ms 基隆市 (遠傳電信) 43.74 Mbit/s 21.57 Mbit/s ping error! 花蓮市 (是方電訊) 47.49 Mbit/s 13.11 Mbit/s 251.516 ms 臺東市 (是方電訊) 45.39 Mbit/s 13.22 Mbit/s 221.023 ms --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp : 2019-11-29 05:15:41 UTC ### 分享測試結果: - https://clbin.com/7wR9U |
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Speedtest Monster v.1.4.6 2019-11-09 Region: USA https://bench.monster/speedtest.html Usage : curl -LsO bench.monster/speedtest.sh; bash speedtest.sh -USA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### {美國}網路速度測試 Location Upload Download Ping --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CA, Los Angeles (Hivelocity) 69.05 Mbit/s 78.42 Mbit/s 90.528 ms CA, San Diego (Cox) 83.02 Mbit/s 69.07 Mbit/s 130.223 ms CA, San Jose (Sprint) 79.29 Mbit/s 90.07 Mbit/s 70.570 ms AZ, Phoenix (Xiber LLC) 78.50 Mbit/s 87.54 Mbit/s 69.058 ms NV, Las Vegas (Cox) 58.21 Mbit/s 78.73 Mbit/s 71.268 ms OR, Medford (Spectrum) 75.09 Mbit/s 86.99 Mbit/s 71.254 ms CO, Centennial (Spectrum) 95.85 Mbit/s 92.01 Mbit/s 49.939 ms TX, Dallas (Hivelocity) 87.47 Mbit/s 87.52 Mbit/s 58.898 ms KS, Wichita (Cox) 91.77 Mbit/s 92.32 Mbit/s 41.717 ms MO, Kansas City (Xiber LLC) 82.97 Mbit/s 91.82 Mbit/s 25.373 ms OH, Columbus (Spectrum) 95.39 Mbit/s 96.87 Mbit/s 25.335 ms IL, Chicago (Verizon) 100.74 Mbit/s 96.88 Mbit/s 72.382 ms MI, Livonia (Spectrum) 99.55 Mbit/s 96.14 Mbit/s 88.062 ms NY, New York (Hivelocity) 84.47 Mbit/s 92.83 Mbit/s 56.297 ms VA, Ashburn (Windstream) 100.58 Mbit/s 96.06 Mbit/s 81.076 ms NC, Durham (Spectrum) 100.09 Mbit/s 97.50 Mbit/s 7.792 ms GA, Atlanta (Cox) 95.75 Mbit/s 90.83 Mbit/s 25.197 ms FL, Tampa (Spectrum) 92.39 Mbit/s 96.12 Mbit/s 45.410 ms Washington, DC (Xiber LLC) 102.64 Mbit/s 97.66 Mbit/s 1.454 ms --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp : 2019-11-29 05:05:34 UTC ### 分享測試結果: - https://clbin.com/iGtrB |
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Speedtest Monster v.1.4.6 2019-11-09 Region: China https://bench.monster/speedtest.html Usage : curl -LsO bench.monster/speedtest.sh; bash speedtest.sh -China --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### {中國大陸}網路速度測試 Location Upload Download Ping --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 華北, 北京市 (中國電信 5G) 4.48 Mbit/s 8.43 Mbit/s 228.734 ms 華北, 天津市 (中國聯通 5G) 6.41 Mbit/s 40.44 Mbit/s 225.849 ms 華東, 上海市 (中國聯通 5G) 5.19 Mbit/s 18.06 Mbit/s 250.003 ms 華東, 上海市 (中國電信) 5.39 Mbit/s 32.37 Mbit/s 265.930 ms 華南, 廣州市 (中國電信) 3.44 Mbit/s 18.58 Mbit/s ping error! 華南, 深圳市 (中國聯通) 16.65 Mbit/s 12.10 Mbit/s 240.513 ms 華中, 長沙市 (中國聯通) 2.95 Mbit/s 6.80 Mbit/s 319.306 ms 華中, 武漢市 (中國電信) 8.23 Mbit/s 9.17 Mbit/s 271.643 ms 華中, 南寧市 (中國電信) 4.58 Mbit/s 5.46 Mbit/s 266.636 ms 華中, 鄭州市 (中國移動 5G) 2.51 Mbit/s 27.14 Mbit/s 313.154 ms 華中, 合肥市 (中國電信 5G) 11.32 Mbit/s 31.99 Mbit/s 290.159 ms 西北, 西安市 (中國移動) 9.83 Mbit/s 30.80 Mbit/s 263.564 ms 西南, 成都市 (中國聯通) 3.53 Mbit/s 10.08 Mbit/s ping error! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp : 2019-11-29 05:26:52 UTC ### 分享測試結果: - https://clbin.com/Sun0r |
- 所在位置:(美國東岸)維吉尼亞州, Vint Hill
- CPU:1 Cores @ Intel Xeon E3-12xx v2 2599.998 MHz
- 記憶體:2GB
- 硬碟空間:20GB SSD
- 網路流量:無限制 @ 100Mbps
- IPv4:1
- IPv6:1
- Looking Glass
- AS16276, OVH US LLC
- PeeringDB
- BGPView
- 購買連結 – VPS BV
- 年租費:USD$17.88(約549台幣)
- 所在位置:新加坡
- CPU:1 Cores @ Intel (Haswell, no TSX) 2099.998 MHz
- 記憶體:2GB
- 硬碟空間:20GB SSD
- 網路流量:無限制 @ 100Mbps
- IPv4:1
- IPv6:1
- Looking Glass
- AS16276, OVH Singapore PTE. LTD
- PeeringDB
- BGPView
- 購買連結 – SSD VPS 1
- 年租費:USD$32.16 USD(約989台幣)