ElicitServers這家加拿大的主機商目前在特價促銷for Halloween,玩最高檔的方案也只要0.80美金唷! 拿來練習使用VPS1個月,可以說是很好的選擇呢。 ?
2048Mb RAM (4096Mb burst)
80Gb storage
800Gb transfer
2 IP addresses
看下圖~! 輸入優惠碼真的變0.80美金惹 ?
目前只跑了YUM UPDATE的系統狀況如下,請注意系統是OpenVZ ? 但CPU是8核心的唷 (:cc)
2010/10/27 – 收到來信說他們因為硬體問題暫時關閉了VPS的服務,我看根本是RPWT。 ?
Unfortunately there seems to be some hardware issues with our main VPS nodes, luckily we found this out quickly before having too many customers sign up. The problem only occurs once the nodes experience a spike in CPU/RAM/Traffic usage, causes the nodes to lock up and become unresponsive, this is why the problem went un-noticed until customers started signing up and utilizing the service.
These node servers were recently purchased 2nd hand, and to our knowledge was working well with no noticable issues with the hardware until utilization went up. Since the warranty is up on the existing nodes, we have already ordered brand new Dell servers to replace these, and should be on-site within a few days. These servers are powerful 16 cpu/32 thread servers, built for enterprise virtualization environments.
We regret to inform you that for the moment we have cancelled & refunded every VPS purchased in the last few days. We are still offering Shared/Reseller services, but until the new nodes are up and running, the VPS order form will be disabled.
It is to my understanding that many of you have signed up using the 99% off coupon for the first month, we will be running this promotion again as soon as the nodes are back up and can guarantee the equipment will be fully functioning as we will be doing some extensive testing on them before putting them online. We will e-mail all who have signed up for this promotion and offer them 1 month of free service, and at the end of the month can decide to keep the services or not.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
ElicitServers.ca team

收到來信通知已經恢復優惠了,想試玩的可以上囉 ? 最快的YUM源 >>
wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d/ http://hide1hide.web.fc2.com/tmp/CentOS-Base_netelligent.ca.TXT
mv -f /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.bak
mv -f /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base_netelligent.ca.TXT /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo