CentOS預設的PHP版本就算上了EPEL也一樣是5.4.16,所以需要remi這套CentOS官方認可的軟件庫來做更新的動作,但一定要特別注意也許可能會造成會有某些套件的衝突,下方的紀錄是我安裝過測試過的,暫時還沒發現什麼問題 🤖🤓🤖
步驟1. 備份原先phpMyAdmin、Roundcube的檔案
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/ mv roundcubemail.conf roundcubemail.conf.bak mv phpMyAdmin.conf phpMyAdmin.conf.bak cd /etc/ mv phpMyAdmin/ phpMyAdminbak/ mv roundcubemail/ roundcubemailbak/ cd /usr/share/ mv phpMyAdmin/ phpMyAdminbak/ mv roundcubemail/ roundcubemailbak/ |
步驟2. 安裝EPEL和remi的repo
1 2 3 4 5 |
cd /usr/src rpm --import https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7 rpm -Uvh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm rpm --import https://rpms.remirepo.net/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi rpm -Uvh http://mirrors.mediatemple.net/remi/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm |
步驟3. 安裝YUM的附加套件,並且啟用remi-php73的功能,然後停用其他舊版本PHP的支援
1 2 |
yum install -y yum-utils && yum-config-manager --enable remi-php73 yum-config-manager --disable remi-php55 remi-php56 remi-php70 remi-php71 remi-php72 remi-test |
步驟4. 停止Apache並且移除原先的PHP和其他PHP套件,請注意最後一句的php70-php需要依照原先安裝的版本(如php71-php或php72-php)做調整,沒有就不用
1 |
service httpd stop && yum remove -y php && yum remove -y php70-php\* |
步驟5. 安裝最新的PHP 7.3
1 |
yum install -y php73-php php73-php-devel php73-php-fpm php73-php-cli php73-php-common php73-php-pear php73-php-opcache php73-php-ioncube-loader php73-php-bcmath php73-php-mysqlnd php73-php-gd php73-php-intl php73-php-xml php73-php-xmlrpc php73-php-pecl-apcu php73-php-pdo php73-php-gmp php73-php-process php73-php-phpiredis php73-php-mbstring php73-php-snmp php73-php-imap php73-php-litespeed php73-php-pecl-imagick php73-php-pecl-zip php73-php-pecl-oauth php73-php-pecl-rar php73-unit-php php73-uwsgi-plugin-php php73-php-pecl-http php73-php-pecl-ip2location php73-php-pecl-mcrypt php73-php-pecl-mysql |
步驟6. 將PHP 7.3設定成預設呼叫
1 2 3 |
rm -f /usr/bin/php ln -fs /usr/bin/php73 /usr/bin/php php -v |
1 2 3 4 5 |
PHP 7.3.4 (cli) (built: Apr 2 2019 13:48:50) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.3.4, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies with the ionCube PHP Loader (enabled) + Intrusion Protection from ioncube24.com (unconfigured) v10.3.4, Copyright (c) 2002-2019, by ionCube Ltd. with Zend OPcache v7.3.4, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies |
步驟7. 微調php.ini,放寬上傳檔案的限制
1 |
php --ini | grep "Loaded Configuration File" |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
sed -i 's/; max_input_vars =.*/max_input_vars = 5000/g' /etc/opt/remi/php73/php.ini sed -i 's/max_execution_time =.*/max_execution_time = 300/g' /etc/opt/remi/php73/php.ini sed -i 's/max_input_time =.*/max_input_time = 120/g' /etc/opt/remi/php73/php.ini sed -i 's/max_file_uploads =.*/max_file_uploads = 200/g' /etc/opt/remi/php73/php.ini sed -i 's/upload_max_filesize =.*/upload_max_filesize = 120M/g' /etc/opt/remi/php73/php.ini sed -i 's/post_max_size =.*/post_max_size = 120M/g' /etc/opt/remi/php73/php.ini |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/ mv roundcubemail.conf.bak roundcubemail.conf mv phpMyAdmin.conf.bak phpMyAdmin.conf cd /etc/ mv phpMyAdminbak/ phpMyAdmin/ mv roundcubemailbak/ roundcubemail/ cd /usr/share/ mv phpMyAdminbak/ phpMyAdmin/ mv roundcubemailbak/ roundcubemail/ |
1 |
service httpd start |
PS: remi提供的PHP 7.3的附加套件如下,可自由選配
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 |
php73.x86_64 : Package that installs PHP 7.3 php73-php.x86_64 : PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites php73-php-bcmath.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications for using the bcmath php73-php-brotli.x86_64 : Brotli Extension for PHP php73-php-cli.x86_64 : Command-line interface for PHP php73-php-common.x86_64 : Common files for PHP php73-php-componere.x86_64 : Composing PHP classes at runtime php73-php-dba.x86_64 : A database abstraction layer module for PHP applications php73-php-dbg.x86_64 : The interactive PHP debugger php73-php-devel.x86_64 : Files needed for building PHP extensions php73-php-embedded.x86_64 : PHP library for embedding in applications php73-php-enchant.x86_64 : Enchant spelling extension for PHP applications php73-php-fpm.x86_64 : PHP FastCGI Process Manager php73-php-gd.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics php73-php-geos.x86_64 : PHP module for GEOS php73-php-gmp.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications for using the GNU MP php73-php-imap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use IMAP php73-php-interbase.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use php73-php-intl.x86_64 : Internationalization extension for PHP applications php73-php-json.x86_64 : JavaScript Object Notation extension for PHP php73-php-ldap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use LDAP php73-php-libvirt.x86_64 : PHP language binding for Libvirt php73-php-libvirt-doc.noarch : Document of php-libvirt php73-php-litespeed.x86_64 : LiteSpeed Web Server PHP support php73-php-lz4.x86_64 : LZ4 Extension for PHP php73-php-mbstring.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which need multi-byte php73-php-mysqlnd.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use MySQL php73-php-oci8.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use OCI8 databases php73-php-odbc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use ODBC databases php73-php-pdo.x86_64 : A database access abstraction module for PHP applications php73-php-pear.noarch : PHP Extension and Application Repository framework php73-php-pecl-cassandra.x86_64 : DataStax PHP Driver for Apache Cassandra php73-php-pecl-couchbase2.x86_64 : Couchbase Server PHP extension php73-php-pecl-datadog-trace.x86_64 : APM and distributed tracing for PHP php73-php-pecl-druid.x86_64 : A Druid driver for PHP php73-php-pecl-ds.x86_64 : Data Structures for PHP php73-php-pecl-gearman.x86_64 : PHP wrapper to libgearman php73-php-pecl-geospatial.x86_64 : PHP Extension to handle common geospatial php73-php-pecl-hdr-histogram.x86_64 : PHP extension wrapper for the C php73-php-pecl-hprose.x86_64 : Hprose for PHP php73-php-pecl-igbinary.x86_64 : Replacement for the standard PHP serializer php73-php-pecl-leveldb.x86_64 : LevelDB PHP bindings php73-php-pecl-mailparse.x86_64 : PHP PECL package for parsing and working with php73-php-pecl-mogilefs.x86_64 : PHP client library to communicate with the php73-php-pecl-mongodb.x86_64 : MongoDB driver for PHP php73-php-pecl-nsq.x86_64 : PHP extension for NSQ client php73-php-pecl-oauth.x86_64 : PHP OAuth consumer extension php73-php-pecl-propro-devel.x86_64 : php73-php-pecl-propro developer files php73-php-pecl-psr-devel.x86_64 : php73-php-pecl-psr developer files (header) php73-php-pecl-raphf-devel.x86_64 : php73-php-pecl-raphf developer files php73-php-pecl-rar.x86_64 : PHP extension for reading RAR archives php73-php-pecl-rrd.x86_64 : PHP Bindings for rrdtool php73-php-pecl-seasclick.x86_64 : An Yandex ClickHouse client driven extension php73-php-pecl-seaslog.x86_64 : An effective, fast, stable log extension for PHP php73-php-pecl-selinux.x86_64 : SELinux binding for PHP scripting language php73-php-pecl-swoole4.x86_64 : PHP's asynchronous concurrent distributed php73-php-pecl-termbox.x86_64 : A termbox wrapper for PHP php73-php-pecl-trace.x86_64 : Trace is a low-overhead tracing tool for PHP php73-php-pecl-uuid.x86_64 : Universally Unique Identifier extension for PHP php73-php-pecl-vips.x86_64 : PHP extension for interfacing with libvips php73-php-pecl-vld.x86_64 : Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts php73-php-pecl-xdebug.x86_64 : PECL package for debugging PHP scripts php73-php-pecl-xmldiff-devel.x86_64 : php73-php-pecl-xmldiff developer files php73-php-pecl-xxtea.x86_64 : XXTEA encryption algorithm extension for PHP php73-php-pecl-yaconf-devel.x86_64 : php73-php-pecl-yaconf developer files php73-php-pecl-yaml.x86_64 : PHP Bindings for yaml php73-php-pgsql.x86_64 : A PostgreSQL database module for PHP php73-php-process.x86_64 : Modules for PHP script using system process php73-php-pspell.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications for using pspell php73-php-recode.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications for using the recode php73-php-smbclient.x86_64 : PHP wrapper for libsmbclient php73-php-snappy.x86_64 : Snappy Extension for PHP php73-php-snmp.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that query SNMP-managed php73-php-snuffleupagus.x86_64 : Security module for php7 php73-php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol php73-php-sqlsrv.x86_64 : Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server php73-php-tidy.x86_64 : Standard PHP module provides tidy library support php73-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML php73-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC php73-php-zephir-parser-devel.x86_64 : php73-php-zephir-parser developer files php73-php-zstd.x86_64 : Zstd Extension for PHP php73-runtime.x86_64 : Package that handles php73 Software Collection. php73-scldevel.x86_64 : Package shipping development files for php73 php73-syspaths.x86_64 : System-wide wrappers for the php73 package php73-unit-php.x86_64 : PHP module for NGINX Unit php73-uwsgi-plugin-php.x86_64 : uWSGI - Plugin for PHP support php73-zephir.noarch : Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP. php73-build.x86_64 : Package shipping basic build configuration php73-php-ast.x86_64 : Abstract Syntax Tree php73-php-horde-horde-lz4.x86_64 : Horde LZ4 Compression Extension php73-php-ioncube-loader.x86_64 : Loader for ionCube Encoded Files with ionCube php73-php-maxminddb.x86_64 : MaxMind DB Reader extension php73-php-opcache.x86_64 : The Zend OPcache php73-php-pdo-dblib.x86_64 : PDO driver Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase php73-php-pecl-ahocorasick.x86_64 : Effective Aho-Corasick string pattern php73-php-pecl-amqp.x86_64 : Communicate with any AMQP compliant server php73-php-pecl-apcu.x86_64 : APC User Cache php73-php-pecl-apcu-bc.x86_64 : APCu Backwards Compatibility Module php73-php-pecl-apcu-devel.x86_64 : APCu developer files (header) php73-php-pecl-apfd.x86_64 : Always Populate Form Data php73-php-pecl-base58.x86_64 : Encode and decode data with base58 php73-php-pecl-bitset.x86_64 : BITSET library php73-php-pecl-cmark.x86_64 : CommonMark extension php73-php-pecl-crypto.x86_64 : Wrapper for OpenSSL Crypto Library php73-php-pecl-dbase.x86_64 : dBase database file access functions php73-php-pecl-decimal.x86_64 : Arbitrary-precision floating-point decimal php73-php-pecl-dio.x86_64 : Direct I/O functions php73-php-pecl-eio.x86_64 : Provides interface to the libeio library php73-php-pecl-env.x86_64 : Load environment variables php73-php-pecl-event.x86_64 : Provides interface to libevent library php73-php-pecl-fann.x86_64 : Wrapper for FANN Library php73-php-pecl-gender.x86_64 : Gender Extension php73-php-pecl-geoip.x86_64 : Extension to map IP addresses to geographic places php73-php-pecl-gmagick.x86_64 : Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library php73-php-pecl-gnupg.x86_64 : Wrapper around the gpgme library php73-php-pecl-grpc.x86_64 : General RPC framework php73-php-pecl-handlebars.x86_64 : Handlebars templating language php73-php-pecl-hrtime.x86_64 : High resolution timing php73-php-pecl-http.x86_64 : Extended HTTP support php73-php-pecl-http-devel.x86_64 : Extended HTTP support developer files php73-php-pecl-igbinary-devel.x86_64 : Igbinary developer files (header) php73-php-pecl-imagick.x86_64 : Extension to create and modify images using php73-php-pecl-imagick-devel.x86_64 : imagick extension developer files (header) php73-php-pecl-inotify.x86_64 : Inotify php73-php-pecl-ip2location.x86_64 : Get geo location information of an IP php73-php-pecl-json-post.x86_64 : JSON POST handler php73-php-pecl-krb5.x86_64 : Kerberos authentification extension php73-php-pecl-krb5-devel.x86_64 : Kerberos extension developer files (header) php73-php-pecl-lua.x86_64 : Embedded lua interpreter php73-php-pecl-luasandbox.x86_64 : Lua interpreter with limits and safe php73-php-pecl-lzf.x86_64 : Extension to handle LZF de/compression php73-php-pecl-mcrypt.x86_64 : Bindings for the libmcrypt library php73-php-pecl-memcache.x86_64 : Extension to work with the Memcached caching php73-php-pecl-memcached.x86_64 : Extension to work with the Memcached caching php73-php-pecl-memprof.x86_64 : Memory usage profiler php73-php-pecl-molten.x86_64 : Extension for application tracing php73-php-pecl-mosquitto.x86_64 : Extension for libmosquitto php73-php-pecl-msgpack.x86_64 : API for communicating with MessagePack php73-php-pecl-msgpack-devel.x86_64 : MessagePack developer files (header) php73-php-pecl-mustache.x86_64 : Mustache templating language php73-php-pecl-mysql.x86_64 : MySQL database access functions php73-php-pecl-mysql-xdevapi.x86_64 : MySQL database access functions php73-php-pecl-oci8.x86_64 : Extension for Oracle Database php73-php-pecl-opencensus.x86_64 : A stats collection and distributed tracing php73-php-pecl-parle.x86_64 : Parsing and lexing php73-php-pecl-pcov.x86_64 : Code coverage driver php73-php-pecl-pdflib.x86_64 : Package for generating PDF files php73-php-pecl-pq.x86_64 : PostgreSQL client library (libpq) binding php73-php-pecl-propro.x86_64 : Property proxy php73-php-pecl-protobuf.x86_64 : Mechanism for serializing structured data php73-php-pecl-psr.x86_64 : PSR interfaces php73-php-pecl-radius.x86_64 : Radius client library php73-php-pecl-raphf.x86_64 : Resource and persistent handles factory php73-php-pecl-rdkafka.x86_64 : Kafka client based on librdkafka php73-php-pecl-redis4.x86_64 : Extension for communicating with the Redis php73-php-pecl-request.x86_64 : Server-side request and response objects php73-php-pecl-rpminfo.x86_64 : RPM information php73-php-pecl-runkit7.x86_64 : For all those things you... shouldn't have been php73-php-pecl-scrypt.x86_64 : Scrypt hashing function php73-php-pecl-solr2.x86_64 : API orient?e objet pour Apache Solr php73-php-pecl-sphinx.x86_64 : PECL extension for Sphinx SQL full-text search php73-php-pecl-ssdeep.x86_64 : Wrapper for libfuzzy library php73-php-pecl-ssh2.x86_64 : Bindings for the libssh2 library php73-php-pecl-stats.x86_64 : Routines for statistical computation php73-php-pecl-stomp.x86_64 : Stomp client extension php73-php-pecl-svm.x86_64 : Support Vector Machine Library php73-php-pecl-sync.x86_64 : Named and unnamed synchronization objects php73-php-pecl-taint.x86_64 : XSS code sniffer php73-php-pecl-tcpwrap.x86_64 : Tcpwrappers binding php73-php-pecl-timecop.x86_64 : Time travel and freezing extension php73-php-pecl-trader.x86_64 : Technical Analysis for traders php73-php-pecl-uopz.x86_64 : User Operations for Zend php73-php-pecl-uploadprogress.x86_64 : An extension to track progress of a file php73-php-pecl-uv.x86_64 : Libuv wrapper php73-php-pecl-varnish.x86_64 : Varnish Cache bindings php73-php-pecl-xattr.x86_64 : Extended attributes php73-php-pecl-xdiff.x86_64 : File differences/patches php73-php-pecl-xlswriter.x86_64 : An efficient and fast xlsx file export php73-php-pecl-xmldiff.x86_64 : XML diff and merge php73-php-pecl-yac.x86_64 : Lockless user data cache php73-php-pecl-yaconf.x86_64 : Yet Another Configurations Container php73-php-pecl-yaf.x86_64 : Yet Another Framework php73-php-pecl-yar.x86_64 : Light, concurrent RPC framework php73-php-pecl-yaz.x86_64 : Z39.50/SRU client php73-php-pecl-zip.x86_64 : Une extension de gestion des ZIP php73-php-pecl-zmq.x86_64 : ZeroMQ messaging php73-php-pggi.x86_64 : GTK bindings php73-php-phalcon3.x86_64 : Phalcon Framework php73-php-phpiredis.x86_64 : Client extension for Redis php73-php-pinba.x86_64 : Client extension for Pinba statistics server php73-php-sodium.x86_64 : Wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library php73-php-wkhtmltox.x86_64 : HTML Converter php73-php-zephir-parser.x86_64 : Zephir parser extension |