Pre-order “Following The Beast” now:
Release Dates
26.09.2014 G/A/S, FIN & BENELUX
29.09.2014 UK & EUROPE
24.09.2014 NOR/SWE
07.10.2014 US/CAN
Director: Thomas Lothström
The Girl: Emilia Aspenfelt
The Demon: Sam Jonsson
The Gormathon is a beast, a hybrid of angel and fighter. It is the almighty unknown. At least that’s the way the Swedish band explains its name. GORMATHON is a band that knows no fear. Melodic Death Metal and Thrash elements are in their sound, influences from modern Heavy Metal to inspirations of old Metal heroes from the eighties.
“We all have different backgrounds and influences. Presumably this is the main reason why our music sounds a bit different than the usual Metal styles” explains guitarist Stefan Jonsson. “We had very clear ideas about how GORMATHON should sound. We knew exactly what the Metal scene is missing nowadays. We had to get it only from our minds to our instruments. I think our new record will prove that we have successfully implemented our project.”