Order the new KAMELOT album “Haven” here: http://www.kamelot.napalmrecords.com
LTD 2-CD + Pendant from the video: http://smarturl.it/KamelotPendant
Get it on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/HavenDL
Get it on Amazon: http://smarturl.it/KamelotHaven2CD
All info on Haven: http://www.kamelothaven.com
Kamelot LIVE:
Kamelot’s new video Liar Liar (Wasteland Monarchy) featuring Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy) is here! From KAMELOT’s new album HAVEN available now on Napalm/Universal/ADA. The video takes off where Kamelot’s Insomnia video ends and takes the listener into the outside environment of this dystopian world. Where the citizen is zero and only the privileged live in a lavish lifestyle. Surveillance over society is everywhere, even a fly on the wall can be the watching eyes of the Monarchy. Only a Revolution will make a change!
Song written by Youngblood/Katsionis/Paeth/Palotai/Karevik
Watch “INSOMNIA” official video here: