Vision of Atlantis delivers a strong showing on their Symphonic Metal masterpiece, “Cast Away”; varied tracks, fully orchestrated bombastic arrangements, and hit potential with songs such as “Lost”. Apart from the classical, extremely opulent orchestral arrangements, the young Austrians also make use of contemporary synthesizer sounds, worked in perfectly in their respective tracks. The vocal accomplishments of 20-year-old Nicolde Bogner rival that of Tarja Turunen (Nightwish) and may be especially noted on the ballad “Winternight”. Male vocalist Mario Plank also rises to the challenge set by Nicole, working with her to achieve a harmonious interaction between the two powerful singers. Fans of Nightwish, Evanescence, and Within Temptation will be thrilled by this release, mastered at the infamous Sterling Sound Studios. in New York (Evanescence, Metallica, Coldplay, Nickelback, The Beatles, and many more)!