Canada’s own Necronomicon celebrates the return of the witch with dark rituals and obscure incantations, transforming their latest album into an excessive orgy. Frenzied blastbeats, deadly double bass interludes, all-crushing riffs, and brutal vocals welcome the listener into the blasphemous world of Necronomicon. Complete with a bestial sound, the band easily combines their caliginous vision and uncompromising heaviness to create a tenebrous inferno that pays homage to the dark powers with commanding intensity. The artwork follows this lead to impressively capture the murky atmosphere. “The Return of the Witch” is an aggressive and destructive black/death metal work ready to fascinate even the most discerning fans of Dimmu Borgir and Behemoth.
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Director: Benoit Nantel
Actors: Andre Daneault, Angelique Charreau
Photographie: Marc Bizouard, Judith Richard
Camera: Benoit Nantel, Benjamin Bolullo
Lighting: Stephan Faneuf
Catering/hair dresser: Lucie Malouin
Technician Asistant: Sebastien Girard, Lucie Malouin, Tatiana Duhalde