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Dust Bolt is very proud to present their new music video – Agent Thrash!
This video is a DIY project that was written, recorded and cut only by Dust Bolt and the DustxBoltxThrashxCrewx. The Idea behind the video was to create a funny story based on the figure of Mr. Agent Thrash that captures the spirit of the song and what it?s about – having a good time, music and friendship. Mr. Thrash collects people from everywhere to share the one moment with them, where superficialities and prejudices mean nothing and everybody shares the joy of heavy music. Agent Thrash is an anthem for anybody who wants to join the riot and kick some ass!
For that DUST BOLT would want to thank everyone who was involved in the production a thousand times, it was a pleasure and a great day with all of you! And special thanks go out to the filming crew Fini, (S)Niklas and Bic and to the Agents Domme and Marius!
Another big Thank You! goes out to our friends from the bands that showed up. Namely Toxic Waltz, Straightline, Hateful Agony Stonem and Dead Man’s Chamber. Thank you for the support and friendship.
Greetz and thanks also to Simon @ SimEvents and Heidi @ Maxx!
And now we want you to see us live and help the Agent awaking the riot in your town! Come and join us!